 Which of the 
5 Types Are You? 

Discover Which of 
the Five Types Best Represents You!


Personality testing often falls short for many people as it assigns them to a single category that may not fully capture their complexity. We hold the view that personality is shaped by upbringing, environment, and life experiences, influencing our self-perception, decision-making, relationships, career choices, and parenting styles.

Temperament Therapy

Unmask Your True Temperament

At times, individuals adopt behaviors that diverge from their innate temperament. This "mask" conceals their authentic nature, leaving their temperament needs unfulfilled and causing stress and conflict.

Unlock Your Authentic Self:
Our approach enables you to shed the mask and embrace your true temperament. By aligning with your natural disposition, you'll experience greater harmony and fulfillment in life.

Discover Balance and Ease:
With our guidance, you'll learn to navigate life authentically, without the burden of wearing a facade. Embrace your genuine temperament and thrive in a state of genuine alignment.

Experience True Fulfillment:
Say goodbye to stress and inner conflict. Embrace your true temperament, unlock your potential, and live a life of authenticity, purpose, and joy with our transformative solution.

OUR conflictS

Each individual possesses unique temperament needs.
When we endeavor to satisfy these needs without considering our relationship with God, conflicts inevitably arise. 

These conflicts arise due to:
Striving to fulfill our needs without aligning with God's intended path for our lives. Focusing excessively on meeting certain needs while neglecting others, resulting in unmet requirements.
Responding negatively, such as with anger or frustration, when our temperament needs remain unfulfilled.

Strengths and Weaknesses

In every temperament, there are inherent strengths and weaknesses. Your temperament profile will outline these qualities, typically observed in individuals sharing your temperament.

However, it's essential to note that these characteristics may not necessarily reflect your own unique life experiences. 

Instead, they offer insights into potential areas of strength to cultivate and weaknesses to be mindful of in your personal development journey.

You will learn:
  • Although both terms are similar and often used interchangeably, they are distinct from each other. Your temperament isn't the same as your personality. ​
  • ​The internet is rife with dozens of self-assessment tools to help you determine your temperament. It's essential to be careful when using these tools, however. Many of them may not produce accurate results, and people often need to be self-aware enough to answer the questions in these self-assessment tests honestly. Factors such as your emotional state or mood can skew your answers, altering your results.
  • ​Certain temperaments are more at risk of developing harmful habits that need to be managed. 
  • Your temperament determines how you move through life and engage with people and situations. Learning more about your temperament style increases your self-awareness and gives some insight into why you make specific decisions or exhibit particular behaviors. 

Three Areas of Temperament

The three areas of temperament are as follows:

The need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in the area of surface relationships, associations and socialization (parties, social gatherings, and people who come in and out of our lives every day).
How many people do I approach for socializing?
How many people do I want to approach me for socializing?

The need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in respect to issues of control and power.
How many people do I want to control?
How many people will I allow to control me?

The need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with others in regard to love and affection (deep one-on-one relationships such as spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends, parents, children, and trusted friends).
How much love and affection do I express to others?
How much love and affection do I want expressed to me?


  • Upon providing your email information, you will receive an 18-questionnaire directly to your inbox or mobile device. We've found this method most effective for ensuring prompt completion.
  • Currently, the 18 Question APS Response Form is only available in electronic format. In previous discussions with the APS Committee, we believe it is their intention for the 18 Question APS Response Form to remain exclusively in electronic format in part, as an effort to protect the integrity of the content of the document and ensuring that only APS Certified Counselors have access to administer it.
  • After completing the questionnaire, please anticipate receiving responses via email within 24-48 hours. Thank you for your participation.

who am I? 
have you ever wondered why i think one way and act another?


The Temperament Profile System (A.P.S.) is a tool utilized by Christian counselors to assess an individual's natural inclinations, strengths, and weaknesses based on temperament. This system involves a questionnaire comprising 18 questions, taking less than ten minutes to complete. Once the questionnaire is administered, the counselor sends the responses to the A.P.S. office for computer analysis, resulting in a detailed 7 to 8-page report.

The A.P.S. report provides counselors with valuable insights into the individual's temperament, enabling them to offer tailored counseling effectively. It identifies three key areas of human interaction: Inclusion (social orientation/intellectual energies), Control (decision-making abilities), and Affection (deep relationships), along with two aspects of each interaction: expressed (stated preferences) and wanted (true desires).

Traditionally, temperaments were categorized as Melancholy, Sanguine, Choleric, and Phlegmatic. However, research conducted by Drs. Richard and Phyllis in 1981 identified a fifth temperament known as the Supine. The Supine temperament exhibits traits similar to Sanguine and Melancholy but possesses unique characteristics, such as a servant-hearted nature and a tendency to feel undervalued.

Unlike personality tests, which measure behavior subject to change, the A.P.S. focuses on identifying an individual's inborn temperament, reflecting their "inmost being" as described in Psalm 139. By understanding their God-given temperament and embracing their identity in Christ, individuals can overcome weaknesses associated with their temperament and cultivate their strengths.

Christian counselors, equipped with the A.P.S. report and biblical wisdom, guide clients in addressing root issues and aligning their lives with God's design. Through this process, clients gain appreciation for their strengths, deepen their understanding of God's love, and learn to meet their unique needs in accordance with their temperament, leading to personal growth and spiritual maturity.

Temperament can best be defined as Spiritual genetics or God's imprint upon each one of us. 

  • Learn from a Leading Expert: Gain Insight from a Renowned Expert, NANCY DUARTE... With 25 years of experience as a Family Counselor and Certified Temperament Therapy Counselor, Nancy offers her extensive expertise in understanding families and human dynamics. Benefit from her profound understanding of familial relationships and human behavior.
  • Temperament And Personality​: Temperament and personality, while often confused, are actually separate concepts. While personality encompasses a wide range of behaviors, traits, and emotions that influence how you behave, temperament refers specifically to your natural inclinations and predispositions.
  •  In essence, personality can be seen as the overarching umbrella term, encompassing various aspects including temperament.
  • Temperament, in simple terms, is the inborn (not genetic, i.e. brown hair, blue eyes, etc.) part of man that determines how he reacts to people, places, and things. In short, it is how people interact with their environments and the world around them. Temperament pinpoints our perception of ourselves and the people who love us. It is also the determining factor in how well we handle the stresses and pressures of life.
  • ​SPIRITUAL GENETICS: Temperament can best be defined as Spiritual genetics or God's imprint upon each one of us. Three are involved in the conception of a child, the mother, the father, and the Creator.



The Temperament Profile System assists Christian Counselors by looking at and identifying a persons' spiritual genetics.


Nancy Duarte

Transformational Life Coach

What If You’re Not a Failure? What If You’re Not Falling Behind? What If You’re Learning? “Every single thing that used to work has stopped working, all at the same time.”

Nancy Duarte Course Instructor, wrote down this phrase in her mid-fifties .
And shared it with her women clients in her therapy practice for the past 23 years. It was exactly the way Nancy was feeling many times as she faced her adversities. From childhood abandonment, domestic violence, loss of her two sons, divorce, co-parenting with a toxic ex husband abuser.
 She has been through many adversities in her life time where she will share live with you, to help you understand through her deep rooted words from her soul to yours.  It will slowly take you down the path on how you will find meaning, significance and purpose in your life regardless of your situation.
In her journey she had learnt on many of the beliefs and practices that had been useful in her life no longer worked.
 After trying—and failing—to move forward using the same old tools, she realized she required new ones: courage, curiosity, and self-compassion.

Throughout the six sessions of her creating The Naked Truth and her video series, Nancy talks about unlearning what is no longer helpful, embracing curiosity, and making peace with the unexpected twists and turns of life. She shares candidly about the challenges and blessings she has experienced and invites participants to explore what happens when we release our expectations for how we thought life would look and open ourselves up to the freedom and peace that come from choosing to be a beginner again.

Whatever you’re trying to navigate, Nancy's honest reflections offer hope for healing and encouragement to begin again. Discover that life is more about questions than answers, more about forgiveness than force, more about tenderness than trying hard.


Taking the temperament test was a transformative experience for me. It provided me with valuable insights into my personality and how I interact with others. Understanding my temperament has helped me navigate relationships more effectively and become more self-aware. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
The temperament test exceeded my expectations. It accurately identified my strengths and areas for growth, allowing me to better leverage my natural tendencies in both personal and professional settings. The insights gained from the test have been instrumental in improving my communication skills and building stronger connections with others. I'm incredibly grateful for this valuable tool.
I was initially skeptical about taking the temperament test, but it turned out to be an eye-opening experience. The results provided me with a comprehensive overview of my temperament traits and how they influence my behavior. Armed with this knowledge, I've been able to make positive changes in my life, such as setting boundaries and managing stress more effectively. I highly recommend the temperament test to anyone seeking personal growth and development.
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